Marvin in pink hat

Marvin Anthony Davenport
Web Designer Newb

Contact Information
Phone: 864 906 0163

Assignment Projects

About Links

Chapter 0: Intro

This was an introductory exercise that had the class set up our webserver account and post a working html link.

Chapter 1: Getting Started with HTML5

This chapter covered the basics of HTML element layout minus style rules.

Chapter 2: Getting Started with CSS

This chapter covered the basics of css styles and css hierarchies.

Chapter 3: Designing a Page Layout

This chapter delved into grid lay-outs and general box element manipulation.

Chapter 4: Graphic Design with CSS

As the title implies, this chapter dealt with graphic and color manipulation of box elements, such as text shadows and border manipulation

Chapter 5: Designing for the Mobile Web

This chapter dealt with the differences between designing for a desktop and designing for smaller devices, such as cell phones.

Chapter 6: Working with Tables and Columns

A bit ambiguous in its phrasing, this chapter deals with table designs and column manipulation within those tables. Not to be confused with column manipulation in a grid lay-out.

Chapter 7: Designing a Web Form

This chapter deals with placing user data entry in web forms on web pages. For instance entering credit card information.

Chapter 8: Enhancing a Website with Multimedia

A brief introduction adding music and video elements to a web page, including style transitions and element animations.

Chapter 9: Getting Started with Javascript

As the title implies, this chapter provides a brief introduction to Javascript. This is also serves as an introduction to computer programming in general.

Chapter 10: Exploring Arrays, Loops, & Cond. Statements

"A brief introduction to programming part 2" is the best description for this Javascript filled chapter.